Introducing Nooon’s Widget: A Simple Tool for Connecting Hotels with Influencers

23 November 2023

Introducing Nooon’s Widget: A Simple Tool for Connecting Hotels with Influencers

In today’s digital age, influencer marketing plays a significant role in the hospitality industry. To help hotels harness this potential, Nooon has developed a simple yet effective widget. This tool is designed to seamlessly connect your hotel with a network of influencers.

What is Nooon's Widget?

Nooon’s widget is a small application that can be easily added to your hotel’s website. Its primary function is to link influencers who visit your site directly to Nooon’s platform. Here, we facilitate the coordination of content creation tailored to your hotel’s specific needs.

How to Integrate the Widget

Integrating the widget into your website is straightforward. You’ll receive a snippet of HTML code to embed on your site. The widget is designed to blend with your existing web design, ensuring a cohesive look and feel.

Benefits of Using Nooon's Widget

  • Direct Connection: Influencers can easily reach out to collaborate on content creation.
  • Tailored Collaborations: Allows for customized content deals that align with your hotel’s brand and goals.
  • Increased Online Presence: By working with influencers, your hotel gains more visibility on various social media platforms.

Get Started

To place a widget for Influencers, linking to registration on our platform, simply place the appropriate HTML code from below on your website.

					<a href=“” target=“_blank”>
	<img src=“” alt=“in partnership with nooon” style=“width:100%;max-width:200px;” /></a>
					<a href=“” target=“_blank”>
	<img src=“” alt=“in partnership with nooon” style=“width:100%;max-width:200px;” /></a>
					<a href=“” target=“_blank”>
	<img src=“” alt=“in partnership with nooon” style=“width:100%;max-width:200px;” /></a>
					<a href=“” target=“_blank”>
	<img src=“” alt=“in partnership with nooon” style=“width:100%;max-width:200px;” /></a>

What is Nooon's Widget?

By integrating Nooon’s widget, your hotel takes an important step towards innovative online marketing and opens up new avenues for collaboration and visibility.

Written by Nooah Riiärvi,
CEO and Founder of,

23 November 2023

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If you already have been accepted to the platform as an influencer or are a hotel, just sign in here!